Mindfulness Based Therapy

“Mindfulness is an awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally” -Kabat-Zinn


Mindfulness is the idea of being fully present in every moment. Human beings have been gifted the ability to consciously synchronize thoughts, feelings, behavior, and sensations in every moment. However, it takes practice for us to train our minds to completely surrender ourselves to our present moment.

Our minds are designed to look out for threats and analyze the past- That is how we learn, grow and evolve. Mindfulness is a way of life. It allows us to analyze the past and learn from it without getting stressed about it. It allows us to look for solutions for the future rather than drown ourselves in our emotions regarding the future. Stress about the past and future makes people feel inadequate, inefficient and ultimately leads to decreased confidence and low self-esteem. Mindfulness allows us to recognize our emotions and respond to events rather than ‘react’. It focuses on intention, attention, awareness, and compassion in the present moment without any judgment.

Mindfulness is a proactive approach for living a happier and satisfied life. It is based on Buddhist teachings. Many research studies have proven that regular practice of mindfulness breathing, meditation, and body scan techniques reduces stress and improves overall life satisfaction.

To learn more about my journey into Mindfulness, please visit the following link:

Why does Mindfulness work?

For more information, you can visit the following website: https://www.mindful.org/category/science/mindfulness-research/


Minfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a talk therapy that focuses mainly on ‘thoughts’ and ‘behavior’. It does not focus much on the ’emotional’ aspect. However, the inclusion of Mindfulness in CBT supports the  Thought-Emotion-Behaviour by empowering clients with skills to deal with emotions which might be triggered by thoughts or behavior.

MBCT can be beneficial for

  • Athletes experiencing performance anxiety
  • Individuals who want to commit to a healthier lifestyle
  • Individuals recovering from injuries
  • Prevention of recurring health problems
  • Dealing with a stressful lifestyle
  • Experiencing ‘flow’ states in sports performance




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